Saturday, January 07, 2006

Make the Leap to the Work You Love

From -- "If you had it do to all over again, would you choose the career you're in now?

If not, you're certainly not alone. According to one Wall Street Journal/ABC News poll, half of all American workers would opt for a different career if they had a second chance.

Why? “A lot of it comes down to one simple word -- independence,” says Charles Fitzpatrick, director of the Small Business Development Center and The Center for Entrepreneurial Activities at Central Michigan University.

“Most people know they will never reach their full potential while working under someone else or in a job that doesn't feed their passions.”

Of course, most folks just daydream about that road not taken. Or they have vague plans of pursuing their real passions after they retire.

But increasing numbers of young and youngish professionals are taking that second chance -- long before their 50th birthdays.

It takes guts, confidence and ability to toss away the security blanket of a good job and start all over again at something new. It also takes planning.
Meet three people who took the plunge."

To find out how these three people did it, visit

Make it a great day!

J. Anthony


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