Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Unstoppable Belief! Six Steps to Developing & Strengthening an Unstoppable Belief System

I just finished reading an article in Success from Home magazine. The article is by Cynthia Kersey from It is entitled Unstoppable Belief! The Six Steps to Developing and Strengthening an Unstoppable Belief System. I really enjoyed the article and since it was from the magazine and not online, I'd like to offer a synopsis for you.

How many of us have been to a seminar or training session and are fired up during the days following the seminar? But, inevitably, after a few days, our enthusiasm dimenishes and before long, we are right back in the mood we were in before we went to the seminar. The following six steps will help you develop and strengthen your belief system and help you remain enthusiastic on a daily basis rather than just for a few days.

Step 1: Take Immediate Action

Actions reflect your belief, so begin taking immediate actions towards your goals. This will begin to build your self-confidence, which will help you realize your dream is possible.

Step 2: Watch Your Internal Language

This is my favorite step because it is so true. Avoid negative and defeating thoughts. Whatever you think about constantly, you will achieve. If you continually think that you can't do something, you won't. Believe to achieve. It's as simple as that.

Step 3: Neutralize Fear and Risk

Successful people acknowledge fear and manage it by confronting the cause and determining how they can prepare for the challenge ahead. Identify one fear that is keeping you from achieving your goals. Then, take on the fear. Nine times out of ten, the fear was only imagined and not real.

Step 4: See Yourself Succeeding

Identify a specific goal that supports your passion. Then, imagine yourself achieving that goal. Think about where you are physically when you achieve your goal. What are you wearing. What is the temperature like. Who is around you. What is their reaction. By actively imagining achieving your goal, you'll develop the confidence you need to become unstoppable.

Step 5: Find Others to Believe With You

Too many times, friends and family deter us from our dreams. It's hard enough to stay positive for yourself, and hanging around negative people is a very quick way to kill your dreams. Find others who share your dream and seek out positive people.

Step 6: Dealing with Critics and Rejection

Knowledge is the key to overcoming critics and rejection. If you are completely knowledgeable about what you are passionate about, and you believe in yourself, eventually, others will have no choice but to believe in you too.

To visit Cynthia's website, go to

Good luck and make it a great day!


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