Monday, March 03, 2008

Eight Ways Money Can Buy You Happiness

From -- We've all heard the saying, "Money can't by you happiness", but Gretchen Rubin from The Happiness Project thinks it can. Here are eight ways money can help buy happiness: (For details on each way, visit this page on
  1. Strengthen bonds with family and friends - Buy a plane ticket for a relative or friend to visit you
  2. End marital conflict - If the dirty garage is always a source of spousal frustration, hire a neighborhood teenager to clean it for you
  3. Upgrade your exercise - Everyone can benefit from exercise
  4. Think about fun - Rather than buying stuff, go do stuff you like to do
  5. Serenity and Security - Speaks for itself
  6. Pay more for healthy food - Self-explanatory
  7. Spend the money on someone else - This will make you feel better than any of the other ways...
  8. Think about YOUR priorities - What have you avoided doing for years because you didn't have the money. Do it now.
For more details on each step, please visit this page on

Make a great day!

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