Thursday, April 24, 2008

Ideas For Random Acts of Kindness

Nothing will make you feel better than committing a random act of kindness, and your act will make someone else feel the same way. Pay it forward - it's the only way to live. If you're stuck trying to think of ideas, here are some I came up with to help you get started:
  • Tip someone who is not expecting it – Toll Booth Operator, Fast Food Drive-thru Clerk, Garbage Handlers – You get the idea – It’ll make their day and yours
  • Say “Good Morning” to someone at work you normally don’t talk to
  • Call a relative or friend you haven’t spoken to in a long time just to say "Hi"
  • If you see some trash on the sidewalk or in front of your office or favorite restaurant, pick it up and throw it away – If we all did this on a regular basis, litter would be a thing of the past
  • Hand-write a note or thank you letter to someone who has helped you get where you are today – Don’t email or type the letter – Take out a pen and write
  • Donating clothes is always a great idea – A twist to this act – If you see the same homeless person near your home or work, stop and give them one of your jackets, shirts, blanket, etc.
  • If you’re searching for the perfect gift to give your parents, grandparents or friends, why not sponsor an eye surgery for a blind person in a third-world country in your friends honor – Think out of the box – Who can you help in your friends honor...
  • Send your favorite elementary school teacher a “thank you” card for helping you become who you are today
  • Open the door for someone at a public place
  • Tip a great waiter/waitress 40% every now and then or write something nice to them on the back of the bill complimenting them
  • Slip the busboy at your favorite restaurant a $20 bill (or whatever you can afford)
  • If you know your neighbor is going through hard times (health problems, death in family, etc.), offer to cut their grass, sweep their drive or go to the grocery store for them for free
  • Write a personal note to the boss/manager of an employee who went out of their way to help you
  • Utilize the telephone – Have a big family? Organize a conference call with everyone
  • If possible, adopt a dog or cat from a shelter
  • Offer to walk an elderly couples dog
These are just some of the ideas that popped into my head this morning. There are a million other things you can do to "make some one's day". How about you? One random act would be to share with us what you've done. Use the comment field to share your random act of kindness.

I hope I've given you some ideas. Now, let's all go out and help someone have a great day!

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1 Response to "Ideas For Random Acts of Kindness"
  1. Anonymous said...
    Saturday, 26 April, 2008

    Random acts of kindness do make a difference - for the beneficiary and the person performing the kindness. The suggestions are great! A concept that promotes acts of kindness and beyond is Inconvenience Yourself™ - You will find additional ideas for kids, adults and business. We can all make a difference - your positive message is greatly appreciated.

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