- Do it first thing in the morning. A no-brainer. If you just do it first thing without giving it much thought. It'll be much easier, and it'll make the rest of your day that much better
- If you find yourself putting off a task that you try to do several times a week, try doing it EVERY day, instead. This works with many tasks. If you want to exercise a few days a week, but find yourself slacking, then just start doing it every day. It'll become a daily routine, and you won't even think about it anymore.
- Have someone keep you company. Following up tip #2, if you can't exercise alone, then find a friend to go with you. You'll keep each other on track, and it'll make the activity much more enjoyable.
- Make preparations, assemble the proper tools. One of the biggest reasons people procrastinate is because they're not prepared. Take the time to prepare, and there won't be any reason to procrastinate.
- Commit. This applies to long-term and short-term goals. One example: Every morning, write down on a piece of paper exactly what you MUST accomplish today, and commit to it and do it.
- Remind yourself that finishing a dreaded task is tremendously energizing. Remember how great it feels to finally finish a dreaded task? Just remembering is motivation to do it.
Make it a great day!
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