The upside to this percentage is that 60% of high school graduates do go to college. If you have a young child, you're probably going to need between $30,000 - $50,000 to pay for their entire college experience (tuition, room, food, transportation, etc.).
To help you save this money, I found a program online called Upromise. Here is how UPromise describes itself: Upromise helps people of all ages achieve their dreams of a college education. To do that, we've partnered with hundreds of America's leading companies to create a rewards network for Upromise members--whenever members buy something from one of our partners, they receive a portion of their eligible spending back in the form of college savings.
Here are some of the stores that are partnered with them:
- L.L. Bean
- CVS Pharmacy
- ExxonMobil
- Target
- Bloomingdale's
- Travelocity
- Land's End
- Circuit City
- Avis
- Bed Bath & Beyond
- Kroger
- Publix
- Ingles
- Check out the Upromise website for a complete list.
Good luck and make it a great day!
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