Thursday, November 22, 2007

Daily Positive News Briefs - Thursday, November 22, 2007 - A Piggy Thanksgiving, and Other Fun Facts About Turkey Day - Excerpt from this article: "The real first Thanksgiving actually took place in Berkeley Plantation, Virginia, back in 1619. And the Virginia settlers didn't feast on a turkey dinner, either: According to historical records, their meal consisted of ham or bacon, and maybe a few oysters." - Celebs Serve Holiday Meals to Homeless - Excerpt from this article: "Kirk Douglas, Harrison Ford and other celebrities shared the Thanksgiving spirit Wednesday by serving hot meals to homeless people on Skid Row." - Tired on Thanksgiving? Don't Blame Turkey - Excerpt from this article: "While there is an amino acid in turkey that induces sleepiness, experts say it's much more likely the reason you're tired after having Thanksgiving dinner is a combination of simple factors: you ate and drank too much and didn't sleep enough."

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