Monday, June 02, 2008

Want To Live Longer - Do What The Blue Hairs Do...

Well, not exactly, but a researcher has found four areas of the world where there are a large number of centurions (over 100). And, he recommends following some of the same habits they do, and you just might live to be over 100 yourself. The four areas are: the mountainous Barbagia region of Sardinia, an island off the coast of Italy; the Japanese island of Okinawa; a community of Seventh-day Adventists in Loma Linda, California, about 60 miles east of Los Angeles; and the Nicoya Peninsula of Costa Rica, in Central America.

So what are some of their secrets? One that I know a lot of my friends will like is drinking a glass of red wine on a daily basis. It's full of antioxidants and has long been known to promote better health.

To me, the most important trait he mentioned is having a sense of purpose and a strong support network. I can personally vouch for this one. The Director of Marketing at my company is 73 years old, but you wouldn't know it. He looks and acts 20 years younger and is showing no signs of slowing down. As long as you have a purpose in life, enjoy what you're doing, surround yourself with friends and family and keep yourself physically active, there is no reason why we all can't live to be over 100. To read this complete article and find out more about how these people are living to be over 100, please visit this page on

One piece of advice. I've recently been following the financial advice of John Cummuta. He advocates eliminating all debt from your life including your cars and homes, and he has a proven system to do this in 5-7 years. If you're planning on living over 100, then you might want to look into John's system because you're going to need a lot of money in retirement since you're going to be living a lot longer than the average person.

Good luck and make it a great day!


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