Friday, November 23, 2007

Daily Positive News Briefs - Friday, November 23, 2007 - Miracle Fruit Makes (Almost) Everything Delicious - Excerpt from this article: "...did you know there's a nature-made treat that rivals any of Wonka's wild concoctions? It's the miracle fruit, a berry from West Africa with an amazing effect: When you eat a piece of the strange fruit, it makes everything sour taste sweet for the next hour or so." - Australian Navy Saves 16 in Boat Rescue - Excerpt from this article: "The Australian navy rescued 16 people, 10 of them children, from a boat sinking in rough water off the country's northwest coast, the defense department said Wednesday." - The Art of Remembering and Interpreting Dreams - Excerpt from this article: "Your dreams can reveal many truths about your life. They can provide extraordinary intuitive insights, and give you information that can help your health, love life and career. You'd be surprised at the straightforward advice that your dreams give, either spontaneously or on request."

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