Friday, November 02, 2007

Dog and Cat Honored For Saving Masters' Lives

This is a great story...

First, Toby, a 2 1/2 year old Golden Retriever who was rescued from a garbage bin as a puppy saved his masters' life. From -- "When Debbie Parkhurst choked on a piece of apple at her Maryland home, her dog jumped in, landing hard on her chest and forcing the morsel to pop out of her throat. "...Parkhurst suggested her pooch's Heimlich maneuver might have been guided by divine intervention.

"That's what our veterinarian said," she said. "He wasn't making a joke; he's very spiritual, and now I have to agree with him."

Second, Winnie the cat, saved her family by waking them up when their house was being poisoned by carbon monoxide. "...a gas-driven pump being used to remove flood waters from their basement in New Castle, Ind., last March malfunctioned, spreading carbon monoxide through the house. By the time Winnie moved into rescue mode, the couple's 14-year-old son, Michael, was already unconscious.

"Winnie jumped on the bed and was clawing at me, with a kind of angry meow," Cathy Keesling said. "When I woke up I felt like a T-bar had hit me across the head."

State police and sheriff's officers responding to her 911 call said the family was only minutes from death, judging by the amount of poisonous gas in the house."

To read the complete story about Toby and Winnie and five humans who were also honored, please visit this page on

Good luck and make it a great day!

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